** Accreditation - GAFM® Certification Board is recognized by the following:
1. TUV Accredited - EU Recognized Technical Inspection and Accreditation body
2. ISO 9001 Certified for Quality
3. ISO 29990 Certified for Educational Standards
4. Approved Sanctioned by the Arab Academy for more than 20 Arab nations
5. In academic alliance with the ACBSP National Business Accreditation Agency for Certification Standards worldwide
AFM Certification Board & National Business School Accredited Programs - Over 800 USA Accredited Business schools offer courses, programs and exams that count for GAFM certifications. [LINK]www.gafm.org/ACBSP.pdf
GAFM has: TUV Europe & Italy Accreditation - TUV 2019 The GAFM/AAPM International Board of Standards has accreditation from the TUV in Europe
TUV Reaccreditation - European Accreditation Not Subject to BREXIT - TUV 2019 Certification Document - See ReAccreditation TUV 2020 Document PDF
GAFM Body is ISO 29990 Certified - GAFM/AAPM are ISO Certified for Training. The First USA Certification body to achieve this Accreditation http://www.iso.org/iso/home/news_index/news_archive/news.htm?refid=Ref1384
GAFM is ISO 9001 Certified - GAFM IBS Board of Standards is ISO Certified for Quality Standards. http://www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail?csnumber=46486
GAFM is in Alliance with the CHEA Council of Higher Education Quality Group - The GAFM ® Board of Standards is a founding member of the quality assurance standards memorandum of the CHEA International Quality Group. http://www.gafm.org/CHEA.pdf
GAFM/AAPM is in alliance with the Society of Professional Engineers Europe. www.gafm.org/spe.pdf SPE Society of Professional Engineers
GAFM - Arab League & Academy Recognition - The Arab Academy belonging to the Arab League directly recognizes the Certifications of GAFM and AAPM in a diplomatic agreement. www.gafm.org/AABFS.pdf 2018 - Updated Arab Academy GAFM
GAFM Certification Body has dedicated USA Accredited Law School Programs - Wealth Management Certification - ABA Recognized Law School https://archive.org/search.php?query=http%3A%2F%2Fmastersinlaw.tjsl.edu%2Fmasters-in-law%2Fcertifications
UAE Accredited - Certifications Registered and accredited through the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) of the UAE.